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September 2019

Parshas Nitzavim - Sep 28th, 2019 // 28th Elul 5779 LINK TO NEWSLETTER]

Parshas Ki Savo - Sep 21st, 2019 // 21st Elul 5779 [LINK TO NEWSLETTER]

Parshas Ki Seitzei - Sep 14th, 2019 // 14th Elul 5779 [LINK TO NEWSLETTER]

Parshas Shoftim - Sep 7th, 2019 // 7th Elul 5779 [LINK TO NEWSLETTER]

August 2019

Parshas Re'eh - Aug 31st, 2019 // 30th Av 5779 [LINK TO NEWSLETTER]

Parshas Eikev - Aug 24th, 2019 // 23rd Av 5779 [LINK TO NEWSLETTER]

Parshas Va’eschanan - Aug 17th, 2019 // 16th Av 5779 [LINK TO NEWSLETTER]

Parshas Devarim - Aug 10th, 2019 // 9th Av 5779 [LINK TO NEWSLETTER]

Parshios Matos/Masei - Aug 3rd, 2019 // 2nd Av 5779 [LINK TO NEWSLETTER]

July 2019

Parshas Pinchas - Jul 27th, 2019 // 24th Tammuz 5779 [LINK TO NEWSLETTER

Schedule - Fast of Shiva Asar B’Tammuz [LINK

Parshas Balak - Jul 20th, 2019 // 17th Tammuz 5779 [LINK TO NEWSLETTER

Parshas Chukas - Jul 13th, 2019 // 10th Sivan 5779 [LINK TO NEWSLETTER

Parshas Korach - Jul 6th, 2019 // 3rd Tammuz 5779 [LINK TO NEWSLETTER

June 2019

Parshas Shelach - Jun 29th, 2019 // 26th Sivan 5779 [LINK TO NEWSLETTER

Parshas Baha’aloscha - Jun 22nd, 2019 // 19th Sivan 5779 [LINK TO NEWSLETTER

Parshas Naso - Jun 15th, 2019 // 12th Sivan 5779 [LINK TO NEWSLETTER

Parshas Bamidbar/Shavuos - Jun 8th, 2019 // 5th Sivan 5779 [LINK TO NEWSLETTER

Parshas Bechukosai - Jun 1st, 2019 // 27th Iyar 5779 [LINK TO NEWSLETTER

May 2019

Parshas Behar- May 25th, 2019 // 20th Iyar 5779 [LINK TO NEWSLETTER

Parshas Emor - May 18th, 2019 // 13th Iyar 5779 [LINK TO NEWSLETTER

Parshas Kedoshim - May 11th, 2019 // 6th Iyar 5779 [LINK TO NEWSLETTER

Parshas Acharei Mos - May 4th, 2019 // 29th Nisan 5779 [LINK TO NEWSLETTER

April 2019

Last Days of Pesach 2019 [LINK TO NEWSLETTER

Pesach 2019 [LINK TO NEWSLETTERThis Week's Announcements

Parshas Tazria - Apr 6th, 2019 // 1st Nisan 5779 [LINK TO NEWSLETTER]
This Week's Announcements

March 2019

Parshas Shemini - Mar 30th, 2019 // 23rd Adar II 5779[LINK TO NEWSLETTER]
This Week's Announcements

Parshas Tzav - Mar 23rd, 2019 // 16th Adar II 5779 [LINK TO NEWSLETTER]

Parshas Vayikra - Mar 16th, 2019 // 9th Adar II 5779 [LINK TO NEWSLETTER]
This Week's Announcements

Parshas Pekudei - Mar 9th, 2019 // 2nd Adar II 5779 [LINK TO NEWSLETTER]
This Week's Announcements

Parshas Vayakhel/Shekalim - Mar 2nd, 2019 // 25th Adar 5779 [LINK TO NEWSLETTER]
This Week's Announcements

February 2019

Parshas Ki Sisa - Feb 23rd, 2019 // 18th Adar 5779 [LINK]
This Week's Announcements

Parshas Tetzaveh - Feb 16th, 2019 // 11th Adar 5779 [LINK]

Parshas Terumah - Feb 9th, 2019 // 4th Adar 5779 [LINK]

Parshas Mishpatim - Feb 2nd, 2019 // 27th Shevat 5779 [LINK]

January 2019

Parshas Yisro - Jan 26th, 2018 // 20th Shevat 5779 [LINK]

Parshas Beshalach - Jan 19th, 2018 // 13th Shevat 5779 [LINK]

Parshas Bo - Jan 12th, 2018 // 6th Shevat 5779 [LINK]

Parshas Vaeira - Jan 5th, 2018 // 28th Teves 5779 [LINK]

December 2018

Parshas Shemos - Dec 29th, 2018 // 21st Teves 5779 [LINK]

Parshas Vayechi - Dec 22nd, 2018 // 14th Teves 5779 [LINK]

Parshas Vayigash - Dec 15th, 2018 // 7th Teves 5779 [LINK]

Parshas Mikeitz - Dec 8th, 2018 // 30th Kislev 5779 [LINK]

Parshas Vayeishev - Dec 1st, 2018 // 23rd Kislev 5779 [LINK]

November 2018

Parshas Vayishlach - Nov 24th, 2018 // 16th Kislev 5779  [LINK]

Parshas Vayeitzei - Nov 17th, 2018 // 9th Kislev 5779  [LINK]

Parshas Toldos - Nov 10th, 2018 // 2nd Kislev 5779  [LINK]

Parshas Chayei Sarah - Nov 3rd, 2018 // 25th Chesvan 5779  [LINK]

October 2018

Parshas Vayeira - Oct 27th, 2018 // 18th Chesvan 5779 [LINK]

Parshas Lech Lecha - Oct 20th, 2018 // 11th Chesvan 5779 [LINK]

Parshas Noach - Oct 13th, 2018 // 4th Chesvan 5779  [LINK]

Parshas Bereishis - Oct 6th, 2018 // 27th Tishrei 5779  [LINK]

September 2018

Shabbos Chol Hamoed Succos - Sep 29th, 2018 // 20th Tishrei 5779 [LINK]

Parshas Ha'azinu - Sep 22nd, 2018 // 13th Tishrei 5779 [LINK]

Parshas Vayeilech - Sep 15th, 2018 // 6th Tishrei 5779 [LINK]

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784