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Rental Terms and conditions

1. All instructions for custodial staff must be given in advance.

2. Guests may use hallways, restrooms, and coatrooms in the areas rented but may not otherwise occupy spaces not rented pursuant to this agreement. Emergency exits may only be used in a real emergency.

3. The Beis Midrash and Sanctuary will be set up as if for prayer services unless otherwise requested at least two days in advance. All rooms must be returned to the same condition in which they were found.

4. YIBE does not permit attaching or hanging anything in any manner to any surface, except with advance written and signed approval of YIBE. Sparklers and “silly string” may not be used anywhere in the building.

5. Deliveries must be coordinated with YIBE in advance. No deliveries will be accepted on or immediately before Shabbos and Jewish Holidays.

6. No smoking is permitted anywhere in or adjacent to the building. Except for small birthday candles, all lit candles must be fully contained in fireproof candleholders. YIBE administration must be informed if an event includes candle lighting of any kind, including a Havdalah service or Friday night or Yom Tov evening candle lighting.

7. Food or drink of any kind may only be brought into the premises with advance written approval by YIBE administration. All food introduced into premises must be removed by the end of the rental period, except with written and signed approval of YIBE administration. With advance notice, YIBE may be able to coordinate for leftover food to be distributed to those in need.

8. Food or decorations are not permitted in the main sanctuary, or its vestibule. Nothing may be thrown in the building, including candy during prayer service, without advance written and signed approval from YIBE administration.

9. Use of premises is limited to the purposes set forth in this agreement only. All religious events must be approved by the rabbinic staff.

10. Children must always be accompanied by an adult.

11. All laws and regulations, including local fire codes, occupancy limits, and noise regulations, must be obeyed. No noise, including garbage sorting, is permitted outside the building after 10:00pm.

12. By signing this contract, you agree to be responsible for any damage or violation of any provision of this agreement caused by you, your guests or those you hire or bring in to the Synagogue for your event. You agree to indemnify YIBE and its officers and employees against any claims arising from or in connection with the use of the premises for your event and authorize YIBE to retain from your security deposit the amount necessary to satisfy any such claim, including the repair of any damage and payment of fines associated therewith. Should the value of the security deposit be insufficient to cover such costs, you agree to compensate YIBE for any and all consequential damages, including the repair of the damage caused, payment of any fines incurred by the Synagogue, and all resulting legal fees incurred.

13. Certain events will require a certificate of insurance issued to YIBE.

Sat, February 8 2025 10 Shevat 5785