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Sponsors in 5782 (2021 / 2022)

To sponsor a Shalosh Seudos whether in person or in SpiritCLICK HERE. Still only $100.

October 2, 2021 Co-Sponsor Esther Ingber IMO her cousin Shmuel ben Mordechai (Cheshvan 2)

October 9, 2021 Renee Minkowitz in memory of her father Yakov Ben Moshe Hakoen

October 16, 2021 Mordechai Rottenstein in memory of his mother Ita Sima bas Yisrael Nachum

                     and Rosalyn Levin in memory of Meir Zev ben Avrohom

                     and Mr. and Mrs. Julius Mazurek in memory of Mrs. Mazuerk's mother Yocheved bas Nachman

October 23, 2021 Mordechai Rottenstein in memory of his father Yitzchak Dov Ben Nissan Eliezer

                     and Reuvain (Randy) Lieberman in memory of his grandfather Aryeh Leib ben Moshe

October 30, 2021 Ruth Stillman in memory of her father Shmuel Zavel ben Yosef

                    and Betya Kanevskaya in memory of Rachel Bas Gershon - Cheshvan 22

                    and The Young Israel Welfare Group

November 6, 2021 Rebbetzin Syma Snow L'Zecher Nishmas her parents Yechiel Mechel ben Yosef and Fraidel Bas Avraham Tzvi Halevi Sauber

November 13, 2021 Eli Miller  L'Zecher Nishmas his grandmother Baila bas R' Moshe Yisroel HaCohen

November 20, 2021 Helen Rubin in memory of her father Moshe ben Shmuel

                    and Mr. and Mrs. Julius Mazurek in memory of Mr. Mazurek's father Avraham Menachem ben Yaakov 

November 27, 2021 Ruth Stillman in memory of her mother Faiga Machla Bas Dov

                    and Mr. and Mrs. Julius Mazurek in memory of Mrs. Mazurek's father Avraham Abba ben Yosef 

                    and Mr. Mordechai Steinmetz in memory of his brother Yonasan Benyamin ben Baruch

December 4, 2021 Randy Lieberman in memory of his mother Rochel Bas Pinchas

December 11, 2021 Chana Rychik in memory of her parents Chil & Sima Romanowicz

December 18, 2021 Betty Kanevsky in memory of her mother Raizel bas Yitzchok (17 Teves)

                    and Dovid Reis in memory of his parents Moshe Yaakov Ben Avraham Abba A"H and Leah Bas Yosef Dovid A"H

December 25, 2021 Abraham Moses in memory of his father Moshe ben Nissan Aryeh A"H

January 1, 2022 The Beck family in memory of Leah's mother Chaya bas Shraga Fivel A"H (Shloshim during the past week)

January 8, 2022 Reuvain (Randy) Lieberman in memory of his nephew Aryeh Mayer ben Simcha

January 15, 2022 Mordechai Rottenstein in memory of his grandfather Nissan Eliezer Ben Yaakov 

                     Co-Sponsor Esther Ingber IMO her mother Frieda bas Shmuel (17 Shevat)

                     and Mrs. Eli Miller In memory of her grandmother Sarah Rivka bas Mordechai A"H

January 29, 2022 Rosalyn Levin in memory of Rechel Bas Meir Zev 

                     Co-Sponsor Esther Ingber IMO her  father Tzvi ben Ezra (Adar 1’ 1)

February 5, 2022 Rosalyn Levin in memory of Tova Rayla bas Kedem Noach 

                     Co-Sponsor Esther Ingber IMO her uncle Mordechai ben Leib (Adar 1’ 8)

February 19, 2022 Esther Hartman in memory of her mother Sarah bas Shalom

                     Mr. Steinmetz in memory of his mother Shaindel Esther bas Yaakov

February 26, 2026 Reuvain (Randy) Lieberman in memory of his grandmother Miriam bas Chaim Yosef Halevi

March 5, 2022 Esther Hartman in memory of her father Avraham Abba ben Chananya

                     Rosalyn Levin in memory her mother Rechel Bas Meir Zev

March 12, 2022 Lawrence Fleck in memory of his father Ben Tzion Ben Yitzchok A"H

March 19, 2022 Renee Minkowitz in memory of Leib Beryl Ben Elyakim A"H

March 26, 2022 Betya Kanevskaya in memory of Yitzchak ben Gershon A"H

April 2, 2022 Lawrence Fleck in memory of his Mother-in-law Rivka bas Yechiel Mechel Yitzchak

July 2, 2022 Co-Sponsor Esther Ingber IMO her aunt Devorah bas Shmuel (7 Tammuz)


Sponsors in 5781 (2020 / 2021)

During the current Coronavirus pandemic, city and state rules regarding gatherings and worship change dynamically. Keep checking our home page and the electronic boards.  Wishing everyone a healthy 5781!


July - August 2021

Aug 21 Parshas Ki Setsei Shalosh Seudos Sponsored by Harry Piontnica IMO  Yaakov ben Harav Simcha Bunim

July 31 Parshas Eikev Shalosh Seudos sponsored by Dovid Aronowitz IMO his father Yosef ben Azriel a"h
July 31 Parshas Eikev Shalosh Seudos sponsored by Randy Lieberman IMO his grandmother Shaindel bas Avrohom Yoel 

July 24 Parshas Vaeschanan Shalosh Seudos sponsored by Renee Minkowitz IMO her husband, Zalman ben Naftali.
July 24 Parshas Ve'eschanan Shabbos Nachamu Shalosh Seudos sponsored by M/M Volvi Greenberger IMO Shlomo ben Yukesial.

July 17. Parshas Devarim Shalosh Seudos sponsored by Mordechai Steinmetz

July 10. Parshas Matos Masei Shalosh Seudos sponsored by Rosalyn Levin IMO Avrohom ben Dovid Mayer & Yehuda ben Avrohom

July 3. Parshas Pinchas Shalosh Seudos sponsored by Rosalyn Levin 

May - June 2021

June 19. Parshas Chukas Shalosh Seudos sponsored by Randy Lieberman IMO Pinchas Ben Shlomo Yehuda
June 19. Parshas Chukas Shalosh Seudos sponsored by Yehudah Leib (Lawrence) Fleck IMO Matel bas Tzvi

June 12. Parshas Korach Shalosh Seudos Co-Sponsor Esther Ingber.  IMO her aunt Dora Bat Shmuel (7 Tammuz).
June 12. Parshas Korach Shalosh Seudos Co-Sponsor Harry Piontnica.  IMO Carol Piontnica

June 5. Parshas Shlach Shalosh Seudos sponsored by Larry Fleck IMO Tzvi ben Buruch z"l

May 29 Parshas Baha'aloscha Shalosh Seudos sponsored by M/M Volvi Greenberger IMO his mother Perel Leah Bas Yishaya Zev

May 22 Parshas Nasso Shalosh Seudos sponsored by Larry Fleck IMO Yitzchok ben Bentzion
May 22 Parshas Nasso Shalosh Seudos sponsored by Renee Minkowitz IMO her mother Miriam bas Yosef

May 1. Parshas Emor Shalosh Seudos sponsored by Mrs. Rosalyn Levin In memory of Mordechai Aryeh ben shalom

March - April 2021

April 24. Parshas Achrei Mos- Kedoshim Pirkei Avos Shiur and Shalosh Seudos sponsored by Mrs. Rosalyn Levin In memory of Shalom ben Mordechai Aryeh. 
Parshas Achrei Mos- Kedoshim Shalosh Seudos also sponsored by Dovid Aronowitz as A Seudos Hoda'ah for his recovery and in memory of the 6 million Kedoshim.

Apr 17. Parshas Tazria-Metzora. Shalosh Seudos sponsored by Volvi and Chavi Greenberger on the engagement of their grandson Chaim to Devorah and for the Pidyon Haben of their great grandson Moshe.

March 13. Parshas Veyakhel Pekudai. Shalosh Seudos sponsored by Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Snow for his mother.

February 2021

February 27. Parshas Tetzaveh. Shalosh Seudos sponsored by David and Leah Beck IMO  פייגא ביילא בת רי צבי אריה הלוי and שמואל לייב בן חיים מאיר

February 20. Parshas Terumah. Shalosh Seudos sponsored by Larry (Yehuda) Fleck IMO his father Benzion ben Yitzchak.
February 20. Co-Sponsor Esther Ingber.  IMO her uncle Mordechai ben Leib (Adar 1’ 8)

February 13. Parshas Mishpatim. Shalosh Seudos sponsored by Roslyn Levin IMO Rechel Bas Meyer Zev
February 13. Parshas Mishpatim. Shalosh Seudos sponsored by Eli MIller in honor of the birth of his grandson.
February 13. Co-Sponsor Esther Ingber. IMO her  father Tzvi ben Ezra (Adar 1’ 1)

February 6. Parshas Yisro. Shalosh Seudos sponsored by Ruth Stillman

January 2021

January 30. Co-Sponsor Esther Ingber. IMO her mother Frieda bas Shmuel (17 shevat)

January 23. Parshas Bo. Shalosh Seudos Sponsored by Randy Lieberman IMO his nephew Aryeh Dinter AH  (6 of Shvat).

January 2. Parshas Vayechi. Shalosh Seudos sponsored byBetty Kanevsky IMO her mother Raizel bas Yitzchok.

November - December 2020

Daf Yomi Pesachim Sponsors - Ramy Bodner and David Reiss

December 26. Parshas Vayigash. Shalosh Seudos sponsored by David Reiss IMO his parents Moshe Yaakov Ben Avraham Abba and Leah Bas Yosef Dovid

December 19. Parshas Miketz. Shalosh Seudos sponsored by Helen Rubin  in memory of her father Moshe ben Shmuel.

December 12. Parshas Vayeshev. Shalosh Seudos sponsored by Randy Lieberman in memory of Rochel Bas Pinchas.

December 6. Parshas Vayishlach. Shalosh Seudos sponsored by Moishe Kohn.  In memory of Brother-in-law Kalman Yitzchak ben Reb Avraham, Harav Sholom Mordechai ben Reb Yitzchok Hacohen Schwadrun, Uncle Reb Mordechai ben Reb Yonah Eliezer Eisner

November 21. Parshas Toldos.  Shalosh Seudos sponsored by Rabbi & Mrs. Snow In memory of Reb Yechiel Michel ben Reb Yosef (Sauber) and his wife Maras Freidel bas Reb Avraham Tzvi, (Rebbetzin Snow's parents)

September-October 2020

September 26. Shabbos Shuva. Sponsored by  Ruth Stillman. IMO her father Shmuel Zavul ben Yosef.

October 17. Shabbos Bereishis. Co-Sponsor Esther Ingber. IMO her cousin Shmuel ben Mordechai (Cheshvan 2).

Giving - So many ways to support the shul

Sponsor a Shabbas Mevorchim! 

Sponsors get an Aliyah LeTorah, may request a niggun, and receive a Mishebairach by the Chazzan. The Chazzan is accompanied by the YIBE Aaron Miller Memorial Choir. Sponsorships are in the amount of $1,000.  There are still many Shabbosim open for this year as well as for Yom Tov davening.  It can be a shared sponsorship as well. We hope you join us and help continue the beautiful traditions and programs we at YIBE are privileged to enjoy. 

Fri, January 24 2025 24 Teves 5785